The House of Slytherin

It was a peaceful Sunday night for Swifties until that moment when Kim Kardashian uploaded to her Snapchat account the unauthorized recording of a phone call made by Kanye West to Taylor Swift. It involved West asking Swift about permission to include misogynistic lyrics to his song Famous about Swift owing West sex.

Then the controversy exploded. Celebrities tried to cash in on it for their own fifteen minutes of fame by shading Swift. And the hater had their field day on Twitter.

So what was it that got people to talk negatively about Swift? They said she’s a snake. They said she’s always playing the victim and they’re happy she got a taste of her own medicine. They said she even lied about this whole fiasco.

So what was it? Let us investigate the relationship between West and Swift to fully understand what happened between the two.

In 2009, the VMA incident happened. West publicly humiliated Swift during her VMA speech when her video for You Belong With Me won Best Female Video.

In 2010, she released a song called Innocent, a song about forgiveness. People assumed she wrote it about the VMA incident. She even performed it at the 2010 MTV Video Music Awards ceremony.

In 2015, the two met at the Grammy Awards and make amends.  At that year’s VMA, during his acceptance speech for his Michael Jackson Vanguard Award presented by Swift herself, he publicly apologized to her. He even sent her a bouquet of roses. She even instagrammed it afterwards.

All is well between the two. Or so we thought.

This year, West released a song called Famous with the lyrics “I think me and Taylor might still have sex, I made that bitch famous.” During her acceptance speech for 1989’s Album of the Year award at the Grammy’s, she expressed her disappointment by saying “there are going to be people along the way who try to undercut your success or take credit for your accomplishments or your fame.”

Few months later, Kim started talking about the incident again in her magazine interviews and in the promos for Keeping Up With The Kardashians. She then began to argue that Swift knew about the lyrics completely before the release of The Life Of Pablo, Famous’ parent album.

On June 16th, Tree, Swift’s publicist, released a statement explaining the whole situation. In full it says: “Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016 and they have never spoken since. Taylor has never denied that conversation took place. Kanye West never told Taylor he was going to use the term ‘that bitch’ in referencing her. A song cannot be approved if it was never heard. Kanye West never played the song for Taylor Swift. Taylor heard it for the first time when everyone else did and was humiliated.

Swift’s camp explained that during the phone call, only part of the lyrics was presented to her. The song in full was never played. Or the context in which the lyrics presented to her were used was never heard by Swift.

On July 18th, Kim continued to argue that Swift knew about the song and its lyrics in full. She even said she co – wrote the song with West. She said they have proof of this and then uploaded it on Snapchat.

In the video, West presented the lyrics to Swift but the song was never played in full. She was presented the “I think me and Taylor might still have sex” part. She approved of that and said it was only tongue – in – cheek so she’s okay with that part of the lyrics. The lyrics “I made that bitch famous” was never cleared to her. The song was never played to her in full if we are going to base it on the content of the released video.

With the backlash she’s receiving from her Twitter haters, she released a statement on her social media account. She explained that she was never told about the “bitch” part. That was the only part that offended her. It was also the part she referenced in her Grammy speech.

If we are going to base it all on the timeline and official statements released by Swift’s camp, technically, Swift never lied about the whole situation. She never denied that a conversation between her and West took place or knowing the lyrics of Famous which was presented to her. And the content of the video only proves of what Swift was claiming in the first place.

So stop hating on her because she doesn’t even care about this whole fiasco anymore. She responded and that’s the end of it. Stop saying she’s over because if gaining in sales for her past five albums is what’s over, then she clearly is over.


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